Palazzo Interiors represents such companies as Microsoft, Wells Fargo Bank, New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, Nike Communications, The Hun School of Princeton, SPBMCC as w, Northfield Bank, Under-Armor, Sunrise Detox Centers, Landman, Corsi, Ballaine and Ford, The Driver Guild, Ambridge Partners, The City of New York, The Worker’s Benefit Fund, and many other distinguished firms throughout the tri-state area and beyond.
With a primary focus on the Tri-State Area, Palazzo Interiors has completed projects in over 30 of the United States and Canada.
Your style is unique, and so is the way we work. That’s why we seek to understand each project in detail and provide tailor-made solutions that meet each and every one of our clients’ needs.
We work with what you have in mind, your space, and present you with an idea.
We choose the right materials, elements, and textures to solve the look of each space.
We work on-site to create an attractive, functional environment aligned to your requirements.
A space that just looks good doesn’t do much good. In all our projects, we seek to create spaces that you can use to work, study, meet, or just relax and enjoy.
Your premises should be unique, just like you. Therefore, we will work hand in hand with you to develop spaces that transmit the best of your company’s essence.